I am fleeing. 
I might return.

I was watching a bird feeder/carer in Washington square park Lenape land surrounded and guiding a flock of pigeons, but now I’m on the plane to Mexico City. A flock of bird in another bird. The plane never really takes off.


hunted/wanted/on the run

I need to talk about the suspension as it is the only status in/around me. The temporary collection of bodies sharing violence of displacement
not a pause when we leave

Loren Yuehan Wang was born in a family of herbal medicine practitioner residing in a military-industrial complex area, the north of hunehe bira, in Northeastern China.

Currently living on the turtle island, between Mexico and United States. They take the social positions of a transdisciplinary artist, autonomous researcher, and activist - anarchivist.

They persistently dig into slippages between ecological aftermath, militarization, and audio-visual technology. They embody a shamanistic mediatory position as the unifying force that underlies their practice which encompasses a range of research methodologies including archival studies, critical theory, media archeology, and fieldwork.

They shift flexibly between diverse artistic mediums like performance, video, text, and sound, responding to what is extant and facilitating an arrangement of the “Material as Evidence”.